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How to find Hostname

How to find Hostname
There are different kinds of hosts like your local computer, ISP, web server etc. Here I’m going to tell you how to find hostname.

Local Hostname – To find localhost name, just open Command Prompt [CMD] and type “hostname” to get the local hostname on you computer. Also, you will get the hostname by typing “ipconfig /all”.

IP or Domain Hostname – You can also fine IP/ Domain hostname from DOS. Just type “nslookup” to get host IP address. For example if we type “nslookup” then the output will be as follows . . .

Similarly, you can find the domain hostname by typing “nslookup
For example, if you type Google’s IP then it will give you the output as below:

Now, if you try this command with your domain, it will give you the IP address. Next, you may get error [see the screenshot below] while trying to get the domain from IP lookup. It’s because your domain is on a shared IP. :) It’s only possible if your domain is on a dedicated IP Address.

Also there is another way to get hostname from IP address is as follows

Just type “ping –a” If you run the above command with one of Google’s IP it will give the out put like this . . .

For the reverse action, same thing applies for shared IP.

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