Proxy may refer to one who or that which acts on behalf of someone or something else, as in:
> Proxy bomb, a bomb delivered by a person against their will
> Proxy card, a substitute card used in trading card games when a player does not own the substituted card and also can occur when proxy cards are not tradable
> Proxy fight, attempting to influence how company shareholders use their proxy votes
> Proxy marriage, common amongst European monarchs, where one party is not present in person to their marriage to the other
> Proxy murder, a murder which the murderer commits at the behest of another
> Proxy voting, a vote cast on behalf of an absent person
> Proxy war, a war where two powers use third parties as a substitute for fighting each other directly
Technical Terms:
> Proxy (statistics), a measured variable used to infer the value of a variable of interest
> Proxy (climate), a measured variable used to infer the value of a variable of interest in climate research
> Proxy authentication connects one user through another, generally to authenticate through multiple tiers in a computer system.
> Proxy pattern, a software design pattern in computer programming
> Proxy server, a computer network service that allows clients to make indirect network connections to other network services